"We don't always control what happens to us but we always control how we interpret and respond to it" - Eckhart Tolle

Are you in a period of your life where you feel stuck and are anticipating something to happen? Moreover, the thing you are anticipating is out of your control and is making you feel despondent. Well, this period is called limbo. Being stuck in limbo can be daunting, irritating and can seem never ending when you are in it. Your mindset while you're in this period will dictate whether you will come out of it availed or mentally corroded.
Vacation For Yourself
Treat this time as a vacation and use it to self explore and hone yourself. After graduating from university I became stuck in a long limbo and things weren't going my way. Accept that things don't always have to go the way we planned for them to be in our head; if life goes awry, move the goal post and continue. Going back to my situation, instead of feeling defeated, I utilized my time via doing what I enjoyed. I decided that I wanted to be multifaceted and went on a journey of learning and growing in many areas. During this period, I learnt how to play the piano, I read a lot of books, I learnt a ton of jump rope tricks, I profoundly focused on increasing my fitness knowledge and created my brand. Never stop learning just because things don't go as anticipated, switch up the approach and continue.
Devise A Plan
Mentally denounce creeping doubt and replace it with astronomical confidence in yourself. I implore you to not self sabotage and obstruct the path of your potential during this period. The way to do this is to get your mind right and devise a plan of how you will get out the limbo availed. Follow that plan putting no caps on your potential. Use this time to plot while remaining patient until what you are after turns into fruition. Plant the seeds right now and strongly believe that what you are after will 100% come true. There are no boundaries or parameters to what you can do in life. The goal is to come out of the limbo with an elevated version of yourself.
Keep Going
The worst thing you can do is conform to the circumstance and become stagnant. Find your purpose and go towards it with urgency. The journey starts and ends with you. It is up to only you to make the decision to keep on going every single day and put in the work. Be proactive, put in the work and hone your skills knowing that the results will not show right away. Have undiluted self belief in yourself no matter the inexistent accolades at the moment. Know that what you are after is palpable and your work will be vaunted for. Life is the canvas and your mind is the paintbrush; your mindset dictates everything.